How to Deal With a Husband Who Thinks He Does Nothing Wrong

How to Deal With a Husband Who Thinks He Does Nothing Wrong

Photo by Kiera Burton

So your husband thinks he does nothing wrong.

He considers himself above all mistakes.

He knows everything and is the unequivocal expert on all matters in your relationship and beyond.

If something goes wrong or if you’re unhappy, that’s all on you.

Because again, your husband thinks he does nothing wrong. So by extension, if it’s not him, then it’s implied (or he straight up tells you) that it’s all somehow YOUR fault.

He washes his hands of the discussion, and goes back to being distant.

…Leaving you feeling unhappy and emotionally abandoned in your marriage…

If that sounds like your current situation, then know you’re NOT ALONE with this.

Many women have to contend with a spouse that simply won’t hear it and think he knows better.

And I’ll be the first to admit that as a husband, I too struggled with this problem with my wife Karolina.

Now, I may not fall onto the extreme end of the spectrum, but the reasons behind this behavior and how to deal with them are the same.

So in this post, I’d like to share our experience with you and how Karolina helped me grow out of not being able to admit I was wrong.

You’ll be able to apply the lessons we learned to your own marriage, so that you can finally hear your husband GENUINELY say the words:

I was wrong, I’m sorry.

To help you reach this point, we’ll be covering the following questions:

  • What type of person never admits they’re wrong?
  • Why does my husband think he does nothing wrong?
  • How do you deal with a husband who is never wrong?

What Type of Person Never Admits They’re Wrong

When trying to understand your husband’s behavior, it can be helpful to have a term that captures how you feel about him.

You may have heard or thought of some of the following labels:

  • Selfish husband
  • Narcissistic husband
  • Controlling husband
  • Emotionally unavailable

Now, he may be one (or all) of these things, and you have every right to be angry/upset and may want to call him things far worse!


When Karolina tried pointing out my resistance to thinking I was wrong and how controlling I could be, it would fall on deaf ears.

We had to go beyond these labels to get me to admit fault.

Because as it turns out, the type of person to never admit they are wrong, is someone who is actually best labeled ‘terribly AFRAID’

Which brings us to our next point…

Why Does My Husband Think He Does Nothing Wrong

Let’s get into your husband’s head a little.

This way, you’ll know exactly what you’re grappling with, which in turn will help you approach him in a way that he can admit he’s wrong.

So, when Karolina confronted me about something I did wrong, and I would stonewall, it was because of a very simple reason:

I was afraid of the negative consequences of doing something wrong.

You see, in our lives we’re often taught that if we make mistakes, it means we deserve punishment.

It can start at a young age, with experiences of being abandoned by a parent in a shopping mall because you were a “Bad child”.

Or more extreme cases, like being hit because you accidentally broke a vase.

Likewise in adulthood you can experience this wrong=punishment dynamic in toxic relationships.

The summary of these experiences in my youth and adulthood lead to me being a husband who insisted he did nothing wrong…

(And also made it difficult for me to open up.)

Because I was so conditioned to believe that being wrong = deserving of punishment.

In the same way, your husband will have his own backstory where he repeatedly experienced excessive punishment (often unjustified) over being wrong.

That’s why he turns everything around on YOU.

That is why your husband thinks he does nothing wrong!

Because he’s afraid that if he’s wrong, he’ll deserve punishment.

And he’s trying to avoid punishment at all costs. So he’ll never give you that win!

To top it all off, he’s likely NOT EVEN AWARE of this mechanism and just how badly it can lead to him being emotionally unavailable.

So the type of person to never apologize and insist they are always right, are typically ones who have experienced excessive punishment over (often small) mistakes.

And when you try to make him see his mistake, he thinks you’re trying to find a way to make him wrong and justify punishing him.

Make sense?

Now, this DOES NOT mean that his behavior is okay, and that you have to put up with it!

Because we know how endlessly giving in your relationship also can’t end well for you.

But seeing it from this perspective will give you much more power over him in your relationship dynamic.

Which brings us to…

How Do You Deal With a Husband Who Is Never Wrong

First things first.

Don’t try to fight fire with fire.

You know from your own experience that when you live with someone who is never wrong, the more you attack and try to make him see he’s wrong, the more he’ll stonewall you.

Your husband will just plant his feet and selfishly insist he’s done nothing wrong.

Pushing won’t get you anywhere with him. It’ll also drain you fast and make you lose patience…

But how do you deal with a rigid husband, then??

You need to gain his trust, so he reveals his vulnerable side.

Only then will you be able to make him listen to you.

Allow me to explain…

Previously, we covered how when you try to deal with a husband who thinks he is always right, you need to keep in mind that he is afraid of being wrong.

And he is afraid of admitting he’s done something wrong because he believes that it would mean he deserves punishment.

So the only way to actually get through your husband’s defense mechanism is to gain his trust and make him feel safe.

In other words, you need to build and demonstrate that there’s a big safety net for him with giant letters that read:

It’s OKAY to be wrong and make mistakes.

Nothing bad will happen to you.

Only then will you be able to make your husband realize his mistake.

Otherwise, he’ll fight you tooth and nail and never admit he’s wrong, because he doesn’t trust you yet.

It was the same for me with Karolina and I guarantee you, your husband is eyeing you up the same way, thinking:

Can I really trust her?

What’s important to note here, is that men are secretly desperate for this kind of safe space, where they can admit fault and feel safe.

Because believe me, the pressure of keeping up the facade of always being ‘right’ and having it all figured out, is actually an immense weight that we’re eager to unload.

So, gradually gain more of his trust and convey to him that you’re a safe space in which there won’t be any punishment.

And your husband will fall into your arms, pouring his heart out and apologizing for all his wrong doings…

Now, this information alone will give you a great advantage already, and you can start thinking about your strategy based on what we’ve talked about here.

And if you’d like more details on how to best go about building this safety net, have a look at our Rebuild Your Relationship course.

Here you’ll learn the right mindset and tools you need to get him from being an uncaring husband, to trusting you with admitting he was wrong and finally telling you those words “I’m sorry.”

We also break down and show you the exact steps we took in our own relationship for Karolina to get through my defenses and gain my trust enough to share these vulnerable things.

Click here to check out Rebuild Your Relationship.

Thanks for reading, you can drop your questions in the comments section and if you’d like to learn more on this topic, you might want to read: He Gets Defensive When I Tell Him How I Feel – How to Get Through.


The Best Relationship Affirmations for Love and Connection

The Best Relationship Affirmations for Love and Connection

Photo by Charlotte May

Relationship affirmations are a great way to help you manifest more of what you want in your love life.

Because let’s be honest…

Our relationships often unfold very differently than the way we expect or hope them to.

And sometimes the difficulties we’re faced with can leave us feeling defeated by all the negative voices.

We all experience relationship doubts and maybe even hopelessness.

But what we need in these moments is to be reminded of why love is WORTH fighting for.

To assert that you’re not giving up and clearly state your desires.

This is where relationship affirmations come in.

They will remind you of all the great efforts you are already making AND get you in touch with additional relationship aspirations, that’ll help you feed the positivity.

What Are Relationship Affirmations

In case you’re new to affirmations:

Affirmations are positive statements that help you focus on the outcomes you desire.

So in the context of relationships, they are the affirmations for the love and connection we all crave.

Another way to think about them is as a counter force to negative thoughts about your relationship.

The affirmations keep the negativity at bay and reinforce all the good stuff instead.

I’ve structured the best affirmations into types, so that you can scroll straight to the ones that you need the most.

And without further ado, here are some of the most powerful affirmations for you, to manifest the relationship you want.

Relationship Affirmation Types:

  • Healthy Relationship Affirmations
  • Happy Relationship Affirmations
  • Lasting Relationship Affirmations
  • Romantic Relationship Affirmations
  • Commitment Affirmations
  • Marriage Affirmations

Healthy Relationship Affirmations

  1. I balance mine and my partner’s needs
  2. I am strong enough to face our relationship challenges
  3. I take time and space from my relationship when I need it
  4. I listen to my own and my partner’s needs
  5. I will be honest and open with my partner
  6. My partner and I share a deep harmonious bond
  7. We keep our relationship healthy and nurture it
  8. We communicate truthfully and lovingly
  9. We accept our relationship as imperfect but continue to learn and grow
  10. Our relationship is built on honesty and trust

Happy Relationship Affirmations

  1. I deserve happiness in my relationship
  2. I choose to build on the positivity in our relationship
  3. I feel happy and smile when I think of him
  4. I am grateful for the peace and stability we share
  5. I am happy to give and receive love
  6. I am worthy of abundant happiness
  7. My relationship gives me a sense of safety and feeling content
  8. My partner and I make our happiness a top priority
  9. My partner and I deserve all the imaginable joy in our relationship
  10. Our journey is towards a harmonious & happy relationship

Lasting Relationship Affirmations

  1. I will do my best to support and love my partner
  2. I put my relationship and happiness first
  3. I appreciate our lasting love
  4. My partner and I stand by each other
  5. My partner and I accept each other’s strengths and weaknesses
  6. My partner and I openly communicate our desires and boundaries
  7. We get through the tough times by supporting each other
  8. We deserve a fulfilling, happy and lasting relationship
  9. Our relationship bond will last a lifetime
  10. Our love is greater than the challenges we face

Romantic Relationship Affirmations

  1. I deserve love, affection and romance in my relationship
  2. I make gestures of romance and appreciation for my partner
  3. I am inspired to show my love through romantic gestures
  4. I am worthy of receiving romantic gestures
  5. I allow time for creating romantic evenings with my partner
  6. I notice the small romantic moments in our everyday relationship
  7. Romance strengthens and deepens the bond with my partner
  8. We love the spontaneity romance brings to our relationship
  9. Our relationship grows through romance
  10. Our relationship is like an epic romantic tale with a happy end

Commitment Affirmations

  1. I am wholeheartedly committed to my relationship
  2. I am happy and secure in my relationship
  3. I trust my partner and my partner trusts me
  4. With every passing year, I am happier in my relationship
  5. My partner and I choose to commit to our relationship
  6. We are meant to be together
  7. The love in our relationship is boundless
  8. Nothing can come between our relationship
  9. Our relationship is built on respect and loyalty
  10. Our commitment to each other only grows deeper

Marriage Affirmations

  1. I nurture and protect our marriage
  2. I love and cherish my spouse
  3. I seek moments to express my love and appreciation
  4. I choose to stand by my spouse
  5. We treat each other better than when we first met
  6. We are happily married
  7. We meet each other’s needs
  8. We continue to treat each other with respect and appreciation
  9. Our marriage is committed to truth and love
  10. Our marriage can withstand anything

Do Affirmations Work for Relationships

Now, some of you might be wondering whether reading relationship affirmations can really invoke the positive change you wish for.

Reminding yourself of what you want in your relationship and focusing on those values with affirmations helps in the following ways:

  • It keeps you focused on what is working
  • You stay in touch with your relationship goals
  • Your focus is on the positive instead of the negative

Simply put, relationship affirmations are a tool to visualize the relationship you want.

And just like learning ways to tell him you love him, they contribute to a happy relationship.

But the truth is, that affirmations alone are not enough.

Yes, it is important to not get lost in doubts and endless negative thoughts, and that’s where affirmations can help as a positive counter force.

But if you’re facing a stubborn recurring relationship problem, at some point you’ll need to deal with it.

That’s unfortunately not something affirmations can fix.

Otherwise, it’ll slowly eat away at your relationship from the inside, until there’s nothing left to salvage.

Now, I get that confronting relationship difficulties can be terrifying.

But much like relationship affirmations are a tool to stay positive…

There are also relationship tools to help you deal with the negative, in a way that makes them feel manageable.

This is what we teach in our Rebuild Your Relationship course.

Here we explain to you how and why relationship problems occur and most importantly how you can finally solve them.

We take you step-by-step through our own journey and teach you the most powerful tools and methods to eradicate the negativity in your relationship.

Karolina and I still use these tools to this day in our own relationship!

And it’s what makes all the challenges we face together feel manageable.

Click here to check out Rebuild Your Relationship.

I hope you found these affirmations inspiring and helpful, if you’d like more to read on a related topic, maybe you want to check out: How to Use 5 Love Languages to Fix Your Relationship.

Also, let me know what your favorite affirmations are in the comments section!


Tired of Begging for Attention In Your Relationship? Here’s What to Do!

Tired of Begging for Attention In Your Relationship? Here’s What to Do!

Photo by Kyle Broad

No wonder you’re tired of begging for attention in your relationship, having to constantly beg your boyfriend or husband for any proof of love and care is absolutely exhausting!

Maybe you’re so frustrated with this situation, it makes you question if he cares about you at all….

Or worse yet, his absent-mindedness and rejection is already taking a toll on your confidence and making you feel like perhaps you’re the one who is doing something wrong.

Regardless of what your situation is exactly, know that you’re not alone with this!

I, too, used to have a really hard time getting the attention I wanted and needed from my boyfriend, friends or even my family.

And first off, I want to reassure you: there is a way out of this!

You can break out of this vicious cycle of having to constantly beg for attention and never actually getting enough of it.

In this post, let’s talk about why we feel like we have to beg for attention and how to fix it.

Why Do I Have to Beg for Attention

If you’re feeling tired of having to beg for attention the whole time, you’re likely also lost as to how it’s come to this.

That’s why I’ll start off explaining what is going on in relationships that face this very problem.

The direct reason you feel like you have to beg for attention, is because you’ve been unsuccessfully trying to get it for a while now and feel like begging for it is all you have left!

In other words, your partner isn’t giving you the attention you need.

But why is it sometimes SO HARD to get enough love and care from your significant other?!

The answer to this question is likely not what you’d expect.

There are two main factors that cause people to become so desperate that they resort to begging for attention in a relationship:

1. Your Partner Is Blind to Your Needs

Yes, that’s right. It’s not that he doesn’t care about you.

It’s very likely that he simply doesn’t understand the things you’re needing from him.

For example, I wanted to feel like I’m more important to my boyfriend than his job, and that was a bit of an alien concept to him.

I had to explain it for a long time and in great detail for him to be able to get what I was needing from him and why.

Which brings me to the second big factor that is likely contributing to you feeling tired of having to beg for his attention…

2. You Might Not Be Communicating Your Needs in a Way He Can Understand

When we’re in a romantic relationship, we often feel so close to our boyfriend or husband, we tend to assume that they know what we’re thinking.

These kinds of assumptions could not be further from the truth!

Unfortunately, loving each other doesn’t mean you can read each other’s mind.

To make matters worse, us women typically just hint at what we want in the hopes that our boyfriend or husband will catch on…

…and when he doesn’t, we jump to conclusions, get upset and feel like we have to start begging for things.

The thing is, sending subtle hints and expecting your partner to read your mind are both extremely ineffective at actually getting what you want from him.

So, the second big reason why you’ve been forced to beg for his attention, could be that you don’t yet know how to ask for it in a way your partner can understand and respect.

This brings me to my next point:

Is It Okay to Ask For Attention in a Relationship?

I used to resort to the hinting technique in the past too.

I did it because I believed that straight-up asking for what I wanted would make me seem desperate or needy.

In reality, the opposite is true.

It’s leaving hints and subtle messages, that leads to us eventually having to beg for attention.

Which definitely makes us look desperate and needy!

So yes, it’s okay to ask for attention in a relationship!

In fact, it’s more than ok, it’s what can give you the best chances at actually getting attention!

How to Stop Begging for Attention

Now that you know why you had to beg for his attention and that it’s okay to simply ask for it, we can finally get to the most important part of this article.

Here, I’ll cover strategies you can use to break your patterns and actually get your boyfriend or husband to give you what you need:

1. Know That Your Needs Matter

The fact that you’ve been forced to beg for attention, likely made you doubt yourself and feel like maybe you’re asking too much.

In order to break out of this hurtful situation, you need to discard these kinds of doubts.

Everybody needs and deserves attention.

Knowing that your needs matter, are justified and important will make it much easier for you to stop begging and start communicating things instead.

2. Ask For What You Want

Now that you remember that your need for attention matters and is justified, there is nothing standing in your way to simply ask for what you want.

Don’t expect your boyfriend or husband to read your mind or get your hints.

Be as clear and straightforward as you can instead.

Explain things and repeat yourself if needs be. Try to get him to listen and understand what you’re wanting and why you’re wanting it.

3. Prepare for His Resistance

It is unfortunate, but don’t expect things to go smoothly at first.

Trying to communicate a need to your boyfriend or husband, who might be entirely blind to them, is not going to be easy.

He is likely going to be defensive when you start telling him how you feel.

Don’t let his attitude silence you again. You deserve to get what you want from him.

4. Set Boundaries if He Discards or Ignores Your Needs

What’s even worse than him being defensive about you wanting his attention, is him discarding your needs and making you feel like you’re being unreasonable.

Don’t let him get away with it.

Set boundaries when necessary and make him experience that his choices have consequences.

5. Stay Strong and Don’t Give Up

Stopping yourself from begging for love is not going to happen from one day onto the next.

It’s more of a process rather than a sudden change.

Keep trying, celebrate every little victory and most importantly, don’t give up!

Stopping to beg for love and attention is not easy. It’s not something I would have never managed all by myself…

But there are many resources out there that can help you become better and better at asking and insisting on what you want.

If you’re looking for more in depth information on how to get more of what you want from your partner, be sure to check out our online course: Rebuild Your Relationship

My boyfriend, Gabriel and I worked on it together. In it,  you’ll find all the tools I actually personally used in our relationship to get his attention.

You’ll learn what to say and how to say it, in a way that will finally get you the love and care you crave from him.

We’ll also give you a step-by-step guide on how to set boundaries in case he keeps on ignoring or discarding your needs.

If you’d like to learn more about our course, you can click here to check out Rebuild Your Relationship.

I hope you now have a better understanding of why you’ve been begging for attention and know what to do, to stop it in your relationship.

If you have any questions about this post or about our course, leave me a comment, and I’ll get back to you.

In case you’re looking for more tips on how to get him to take you seriously, you might want to check out our other article: 4 Steps to Make Him Worry About Losing You


How Often Do Couples Fight in a Healthy Relationship

How Often Do Couples Fight in a Healthy Relationship

Photo by Afif Kusuma

Since you’re asking, how often do couples fight, you’re likely in the same position we were once in:

You’re fighting too often, feel frustrated (maybe even given up), and want to know what a ‘normal amount’ of fighting in a relationship actually is.

If so, then you’re in the right place.

Karolina and I used to fight A LOT in our relationship. Like too much.

Honestly, it was absolutely exhausting.

We both felt so drained with the repeating arguments.

And fighting for HOURS on end seemed to go nowhere and only left us feeling even worse and discouraged about the future of our relationship…

But more on that later.

Let’s first get to that burning question of yours, ‘How often do couples fight?’

To be clear, when we say “Fight” we mean an emotional, often heated argument.

So we’re not talking about small disagreements over who’s getting the milk today or briefly bickering over what series to watch.

I mean ACTUAL arguments that leave you feeling bitter, hurt or angry.

Now that that’s clarified, based on working with our clients and the thousands of emails and comments we get from you guys:

On average, couples fight 1 to 3 times per week.

Which means couples fight as often as 130 times in a year.

But that might not help you much…

Since you’re likely here, because you want to fight LESS in your relationship.

That’s the goal, right?

So let’s figure out how to do that, and along the way we’ll answer the questions we’ve heard from all of you:

  • Is fighting necessary in a relationship?
  • What is a healthy amount of fighting?
  • And finally, How do I stop fighting with my partner?

Is Fighting Necessary in a Relationship

The short answer is: Yes, fighting is often necessary for couples.


Because a relationship is two people that are doing their best to support, love and take care of each other’s needs…

AND we’re all pretty terrible at communicating & negotiating our needs.

So instead of having a courteous exchange and compromising where necessary, things tend to escalate into full-blown fights, fueled by misunderstanding, fear and buried trauma.

So fighting is the NEXT BEST THING we do, to try and have our needs met in a relationship…

Even if it sometimes raises concerns about whether it’s maybe a love-hate relationship.

Now, you might also be wondering if there are couples who never fight?

And yes, there are.

But the couples who never fight, are unfortunately also often the very ones who make the mistake of believing that not quarrelling means that everything is okay.

They later experience breakups that seemingly come out of nowhere!

Which is sad, because their relationship could have been fixed sooner.

But given that their true feelings were swept under the rug for TOO LONG, it turns out one (or both) partners were secretly terribly unhappy for years.

I can’t begin to tell you how many of our coaching calls have revolved around this very issue.

So a relationship without arguments is rarely healthy; not fighting does NOT necessarily equal a happy couple.

When a couple fights, they typically have better chances of staying together, because they’re at least trying to talk about their unmet needs.

Which means even happy couples can have phases of often fighting in their relationships.

Having said all of that, it doesn’t mean you can’t reduce the amount of fighting and HOW you fight in your relationship to make it more bearable!

What Is a Healthy Amount of Fighting in a Relationship

So if you’re in a situation that has you asking whether it’s normal to fight every day in a relationship, the answer is: No, fighting every day is not normal and definitely on the intense side.

But if you’re both working through some bigger issues or challenges, and you’re fighting every day for just one week, that’s understandable!

(Be sure to say these phrases to smoothen things out afterwards)

When Karolina and I made big life-changing decisions (Like transitioning from our old jobs to working on our blog full-time) we also had a more intense phase of fighting, which gradually died out as our lives stabilized again.

And that is what your own fighting pattern might sometimes look like too.

You have a few months of peaceful harmony, followed by a week or two of fighting more often.

And depending on how big the issue is that you’re working through, a relationship fight can last from an hour, to as long as a few days!

But the best way to know how often you should be fighting with your partner, is to think of it in terms of ratio instead of time.

(Because it’s not always the same, some months you’ll fight less and others more)

This means that it’s not about the hours or days you spend fighting, but how much of your overall time is spent fighting, vs. how often you’re enjoying each other’s company:

An average healthy amount of fighting in a relationship is anything up to 25% of your time together.

So that the remaining 75% is then about all the good stuff, like going on dates, connecting, having fun, even taking on life together with shared responsibilities!

…Now, some of you might be thinking:

If the amount of fighting is far above 25%, should you quit a relationship?

And the answer is not necessarily.

You don’t need to end a relationship if you’re fighting a lot.

Because issues can be worked out, and you can learn to talk to your partner in ways that don’t keep things calm.

If you’re concerned that your relationship might be truly toxic though, then you might want to read our post: 
5 Things 
That Need 
to Change 
for a Toxic
 to Get Better.

How Do I Stop Fighting With My Partner

So far we’ve talked about how arguing is often necessary in relationships because it’s how we try to express and have our needs met.

It’s not perfect, but it’s typically the best we can do at the time!

We’ve also covered how often you should be fighting in a range that is still considered healthy, which is no more than a ¼ of your time.

Now, in order to stop fighting with your partner (or dramatically reduce fighting), you need to have a new mindset about conflicts and learn some powerful relationship skills.

Starting with:

1. Improve Your Communication Skills

Yes, the age-old cliché.

You’ve heard it often before, and I guarantee it won’t be the last time.

Because being able to communicate in a way that makes your partner listen is one of the best first steps you can take to reduce how often you have disagreements with them.

Many people just argue the way they saw their parents do it, and that remains the unquestioned standard throughout their lives.

But our parents didn’t have it all figured out.

There’s plenty of room to grow, even if it’s just a few minutes spent on learning easy 3 communication hacks.

Little efforts towards skills like these will already help couples reduce how frequently they fight.

2. Identify the Root Cause

When couples fight, they often get stuck in shallow arguments and never identify the root cause (The underlying problem that is actually creating the argument!)

It might often start with you feeling upset about something and you try to express it.

Your partner takes it personally and gets upset about what you expressed.

Which in turn upsets you, because you don’t feel understood and he’s gone and made it about himself again!

And on and on it goes…

Things gradually escalate until emotions are running so high, that you’re either screaming at each other or silently brooding.

And even though an hour or more might have passed, there’s still NO RESOLUTION!

Everybody is just frustrated, angry and hurt.

This is because the attention was on the surface problems. (and often trying to ‘win’ the fight or ‘be right’)

But if you can redirect your focus on identifying the root cause which is driving the argument, you can stop fighting much sooner and actually solve it!

For example, once when we were travelling, Karolina asked if she could take a nap while I drove. I said of course, but while she was asleep, I missed our exit on the highway, which caused a whopping 1-hour detour.

We fought about it and got nowhere, until we started focusing on identifying the root cause.

And it turned out that it was actually about Karolina feeling like she couldn’t relax and trust anyone but herself with responsibility.

She felt alone with it and was afraid that she always had to stay alert and couldn’t trust others.

Root cause: Her need for feeling safe was not met.

3. Address the Root Cause

Once this was clear, we could focus on and address her unmet need instead of endlessly blaming and arguing with each other.

We could finally SOLVE the fight.

Phew, what a relief!

So we had a long discussion about Karolina’s unmet need and found ways to help her feel more safe.

She was happy, I was happy and we could get back to enjoying our trip.

In conclusion, if you take this kind of approach, you won’t fight as often.

You’ll also save yourself the pain and won’t have to walk away from an argument feeling hurt or defeated.

Honestly, these arguments were such a pain for us, they actually lead to multiple breakups. But once we understood the underlying mechanism driving our fights, things started to work for us.

And because we saw so many couples struggling with the same patterns, it actually motivated us to create our Rebuild Your Relationship course.

Here, we show you the exact steps we took to stop fighting in our own relationship and teach the true-and-tried methods we both apply in our relationship to this day.

We break down why fights happen and how to get to the root cause fast. So that you can put a stop to your arguments and enjoy your time together instead.

Click here to check out Rebuild Your Relationship.

Otherwise, there are plenty of other posts on our blog that you can browse to inform yourself about all sorts of relationship topics, including one you might find relevant: Your Boyfriend Fights With You on Every Small Issue? Here Is What to Do!

Got any questions that remain unanswered? Let me know in the comments section!


9 Signs Your Ex Is Waiting for You and Secretly Wants You Back

9 Signs Your Ex Is Waiting for You and Secretly Wants You Back

Photo by Chermiti Mohamed

Breakups almost never feel like a definite end of a relationship.

When you’re together with someone, you inevitably become attached and develop a connection and that’s something that can’t just vanish from one moment onto the next.

If your boyfriend recently broke up with you, or you were the one to break up but regret it, know that this feeling you likely have: that things are not over yet, is right!

It takes months if not years to truly let go and move on. And through all that time a window of opportunity for reconciliation and fixing things often remains open.

My boyfriend and co-author of this blog broke up with me three times in the first years of our relationship. After every one of these breakups we ended up getting back together in about a month. And I know from all of you guys just how common these kinds of situations are!

Couples break up but things don’t end there. They keep on texting, seeing each other and either things fizzle out slowly or they end up getting back together.

Of course, to make a relationship work after a breakup, both sides need to want it and this is not always the case.

That’s why I’ve compiled a list of signs to help you know if your ex secretly wants you back and is waiting for you to make the next move.

1. He Left His Things at Your Place and Isn’t in a Hurry to Pick Them Up

When a guy breaks up, women generally expect that he really means it. That’s why they are then often baffled when he then leaves many of his things at their place for weeks or even months after the breakup.

Sometimes this can even include really important personal items like documents, spare keys etc. But it can also be smaller, less important stuff like clothes or electric toothbrushes…

So if you still have your ex’s stuff lying around at your place know it’s not because he just forgot about it.

He is leaving it there on purpose because it gives him a sense of ‘emotional security’ to have things still connecting you two, as though you were still together in some way.

It’s a definite sign that he isn’t over you yet and is waiting for you to see where you really stand and what you’ll do.

2. He Still Has Your Things at His Place and Isn’t Trying to Give Them Back

Much like in the case of him leaving his stuff at your place, him keeping your things isn’t accidental.

It’s not that he just forgot about them or just doesn’t care to arrange to give them all back.

To him, keeping your stuff is even more of a ‘security’! Not only does it give him the feeling of having a connection with you, but it’s also a guarantee that he’ll get to see you at least once again.

Him holding onto your stuff is a sure sign that he is waiting for you and secretly wants you back but wont straight up admit it!

3. He Keeps on Texting or Calling You as Though You Were Still Together

This is another classic behaviour so many of you have told me about: a guy breaks up with you but then continues acting as though you were still together.

This might mean regular texting and phone calls or even arranging to see you or go on dates with you.

This was actually the case with Gabriel and me too! The third time he broke up with me on a Sunday and then on Monday afternoon I received a text from him saying: “Wanna meet up for a coffee?

Men can be extremely confusing! Their reasons for pulling away often make next to no sense.

If your ex continues to reach out to you regularly after breaking up with you, know this is a sign he clearly misses you a lot.

Chances are, he is testing you to see if you’ll give up on him or not and waiting for you to make him come back.

4. He Replies Right Away

The speed at which someone replies to your text can actually give you a lot of insight into where they are really at and whether they are interested in talking to you or not.

When a guy takes hours to reply or worse yet, keeps on leaving you on read, be careful, it’s an indicator that he is either not serious or no longer into you.

But when you text your ex and he replies within the same minute, it’s a sure sign your ex has been thinking of you, missing you and waiting for you to reach out to him.

Also he is clearly really eager to keep the conversation going.

5. He Keeps You Updated on What’s New in His Life

Being together with someone means having a person to share all the important moments in life with. All the small and big victories as well as defeats.

Most people who break up don’t actually understand the consequences of it when they are doing it.

They’re blind to abandonment and rejection they themselves are inflicting and then act accordingly.

So, if your ex keeps on updating you on everything that’s happening in his life, even though he might be the dumper, in these moments he wants you back.

It’s a sign he still needs you and because of it is likely waiting for you to make a move and get him back.

6. He Isn’t Dating Anyone New

One of the most baffling and infuriating moments in my life happened two weeks after Gabriel and I broke up for the first time…

His reasons for wanting to break up back then was because he wasn’t ready to settle down and wanted to experience love and life.

I was obviously heartbroken but accepted where he was at and went on a two week sailing holiday.

I came back dreading that he will already be with some other girl…

But to my surprise, he did not see anyone while I was away, he said he was taking a break from dating for the time being.

If a guy broke up with you supposedly because he fell out of love or didn’t care about you as much as you cared about him but he isn’t trying to move on and date anybody new, it’s a sign that he is likely still hung up on you.

He is likely battling some attachment/commitment issues and is waiting for you to help him break out of them.

7. He Texts or Calls Late at Night

People often judge drunk calls or booty calls but the thing is, alcohol lowers our inhibitions. When we’re drunk we often go after things we want but wouldn’t have the courage to try when we’re sober.

The same is true about being lonely and horny late at night…

If your ex drunk texts you or gives you a booty call, know it’s a sign he is missing you at that very moment.

It’s an indicator that at least part of him is still waiting for you and secretly wanting you back.

8. He Tells You He Misses You

Have you ever had your ex say to you: “I miss you” and felt like he can’t possibly mean it, because if he did he wouldn’t have broken up with you in the first place?

The thing about breakups is that they never really are straightforward.

More often than not, the dumper is only doing it as a last resort to communicate that something really isn’t working for him in the relationship.

They’re not actually wanting to break up.

They want you to get them and possibly stop doing something that’s really hurting them.

Unfortunately, his rejection hurts A LOT too.

So much so, that when an ex who dumped you says that he misses you, you might just discard it as though it meant nothing.

However, him saying something like this to you is pretty much straightforward admitting that: he is waiting for you and wanting to fix things so that you two can get back together.

9. He Talks to Others About You

Couples who have been together for many years can sometimes have trouble communicating without fighting. When a relationship reaches this stage, breaking-up often seems like the only option to escape the cycle of endless hurtful fights.

However, it doesn’t help with resolving anything.

People are desperate to find solutions to things that hurt them and can find creative ways of doing so. Some of our coaching clients have utilised this hack: communicating through friends.

Even though it’s not the most effective way of communication, it’s better than nothing.

So if your mutual friends have been telling you that your ex has been talking or complaining to them about you, know that this isn’t accidental. He meant for you to get this message!

Chances are this is the only way he can currently try to reach out to you. He might be so hurt and bitter that he simply can’t do it directly.

Even though this might be infuriating (because he seemingly could just tell you these things himself) it’s a sign that he is thinking about you and waiting for you to do something to fix things.

How to Get Him to Openly Want You Back

It’s all well and good to read the signs that he is waiting for you and to know that he secretly wants you back but that’s just the first part of getting out of this tricky situation.

Reversing a breakup can take anything from one simple text in some cases to weeks or even months of long conversations and rebuilding trust.

Ultimately the goal here is to get him to openly want to be with you again and also to prevent any further breakups from happening.

Every situation is different, and so are couples paths to reconciliation.

If you’re looking for personalised advice on how to approach your ex to break through his barriers and let you in, we can help you out with ex back coaching.

Here we listen, empathize and help you make sense of your situation. We will also give you tips on exactly what to say and do to fix things and get him to want to commit to you again.

Click Here to Check Out Ex Back Coaching

In case you’re curious and want to know more of our story and how we got back together, be sure to read: How I Got Him Back - 4 Ways to Make Your Ex Want You Again


Why Men Pull Away and How to Get Them to Stop Doing It

Why Men Pull Away and How to Get Them to Stop Doing It

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

There is nothing worse than a man suddenly pulling away from you, right after getting close.

It is the most confusing and illogical thing one can do…

This constant game of my partner getting close, pulling away, getting close again, pulling away again is something that I struggled with in my relationship A LOT.

My boyfriend Gabriel used to act in the sweetest of ways. He’d text me first thing in the morning, arrange for us to meet, planned dates, be appreciative and caring.

Only to suddenly start declining all my suggestions to meet up and I wouldn’t hear from him for days on end.

Or worse, he’d say things like “I don’t know where this relationship is going” or “I’m not sure I believe in life long commitment…”.

Whenever he pulled away from me I’d feel hurt and rejected.

What’s worse, his behaviour made me doubt myself. I started wondering: “Is this my fault? Have I done something wrong?”

Years later I finally managed to drag out the truth from him. Now I know exactly why he acted the way he did and what he was actually wanting me to do about it!

In this blogpost I will share with you all I’ve learned about this common problem nearly all women face.

I’ll go into details on why men pull away, how to deal with it and what to do to get them to stop doing it.

Biggest Reasons Why Guys Suddenly Pull Away After Getting Close

Everybody’s situation is different and unique. There are many factors that can contribute to this and trigger men to pull away from women they care about.

Sometimes their need for sudden distance can arise after a relationship fight.

It can also get set off by external factors such as family or job issues.

And in other cases it might happen seemingly for no reason at all…

Even though the exact circumstances vary from person to person, there are actually some very clear patterns in this puzzling behavior of men.

These are the three biggest underlying reasons that cause guys to pull away after getting close to you:

1. Men Pull Away Because They’re Afraid Of Being Hurt

When two people start going out with each other, they often don’t have full understanding or control over the way the relationship can develop and progress over time.

In our early stages Gabriel and I would have deep meaningful conversations and have so much fun together, it would instantly make us both feel closer and deeply connected to one another.

We didn’t plan for any of these things to happen. They just did, out of the blue…

Even though these kinds of experiences can feel SO GOOD in the moment. You’re suddenly feeling close, happy, in love…

…they can also feel extremely SCARY, especially in retrospect.

Unfortunately, letting someone in on a deeper level means that they can potentially hurt you on a deeper level too.

That’s why guys sometimes pull away from you when they start to really like you or when they’re falling in love with you.

They suddenly realize just how vulnerable they’re becoming and get TERRIFIED of the potential consequences.

So they quickly distance themselves from you to slow things down and minimize any potential damage.

2. Men Pull Away to Get You to Keep On Chasing Them

There is nothing more frustrating than wanting something you cannot have.

Yet at the same time, the fact that you can’t have that one particular thing or person, tends to make it/them so much more DESIRABLE.

The push and pull dynamic is the basis of any romantic movie or series.

Take Gossip Girl for example:

In season one Blair is initially rejecting Chuck. She eventually changes her mind, but by then he is the one rejecting her.

When he finally decides to commit, she changes her mind again and so on and so forth they go for 6 seasons…

Much like in this scene Blair wanted Chuck to fight for her and win her back, the same way when a guy suddenly pulls away from you, he wants you to chase after him.

It’s a power move.

It gives him the feeling he is the one controlling the situation. In his head pulling away from you is a way of ensuring that you’ll stay hooked and remain crazy about him.

3. Men Pull Away to Sabotage the Relationship

When things start going the right way in your life and you’re finally getting something you’ve been wanting for a long time, do you ever feel like ‘it’s just too good to be true’ and then proceed to sabotage it?

I know, this kind of behavior doesn’t make much sense. Yet it’s extremely common.

I did it. Gabriel did it. And you guys have also shared your own stories of sabotage.

Even though Gossip Girl might not be the best place to get healthy relationship advice from, it just so happens that this urge to reject good things in life is a phenomenon that was very well illustrated in the Chuck and Blair dynamic too.

There were countless times when either of them pulled away from the other just for the sake of sabotaging their relationship.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t just happen in TV dramas.

Being on the receiving end of this kind of behavior can be very confusing and hurtful. It’s also something that is actually extremely common.

So, if your man starts suddenly pulling away from you when things are going well or starting to get serious, chances are he is battling some inner demons that are urging him to sabotage the special bond that you guys share.

Is It Normal For Guys to Pull Away?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for guys to pull away from women they care about. All men do it to a greater or lesser degree.

Even in the early stages of a relationship.

Men pull away and come back because they’re testing you and getting to know you.

They’re checking how you’ll react. Whether or not you’ll freak out about it. They want to see how invested you are and if you care about them as much as they care about you.

It takes time to overcome the initial trust issues many people have when they first start dating somebody.

Unfortunately, this problem does not always disappear as the relationship progresses.

There are countless other factors that can trigger men to suddenly need to distance themselves from you.

A very common type of situation is: men pulling away when they’re stressed.

This could be due to trouble at work or other personal problems. It’s not uncommon for couples to even take breaks from each other when struggling with various external issues.

Either way, in most cases this is not something you need to worry about too much.

Even though unpleasant, it’s a normal relationship problem most couples have to simply learn to deal with.

A little side note here:

If despite all this reassurance, you still feel uneasy about your man suddenly pulling away from you, maybe there is something more sinister that’s going on…

In that case you might want to check out these 4 Signs That He is Lying to You.

How to Be High Value When He Pulls Away

Even though this is such a common problem, this issue tends to make women uneasy and often triggers them to act in ways that only make matters worse.

No need to worry though…

There are a couple of approaches that can help you avoid this typical pitifall and ensure that you can keep your cool and stay high value after he pulls away from you.

1. Don’t Panic

The first necessary step that will allow you to stay high-value in this tricky situation is to simply calm yourself down.

Him pulling away from you is nothing unusual. You don’t need to worry or even think about it too much.

It doesn’t mean anything about you or about your relationship.

It’s just something all men do.

2. Keep in Mind That This Is Not Your Fault

Whenever Gabriel suddenly started pulling away from me, one of my first thoughts was alway ‘is it because of something I did?’.

Unfortunately, us blaming ourselves for things that have nothing to do with us is a problem most people struggle with to some degree.

This can cause you to get stuck overthinking for hours on end. Or worse, it can give you this urge to act impulsively and only break things further.

That’s why when a guy suddenly pulls away from you, it’s important that you remind yourself that:

Him suddenly needing distance has likely more to do with an ex of his, than it does with you.

You haven’t done anything wrong.

On the contrary, chances are you did something SO RIGHT, he felt like it’s too good to be true and it triggered his relationship sabotage mode.

3. Don’t Fall for His Power Game

As mentioned before, when a guy pulls away, he actually wants you to chase after him.

On one hand, he is testing how much you care about him.

On the other hand, he wants to be the one who holds the power to reject you (not the other way around).

It’s not that he doesn’t care, but he is pretending he doesn’t FOR AN EFFECT.

This is something that took me YEARS to fully see and understand.

But once I did see it this way, it was a monumental discovery.

It made me go from feeling panicked and doubting myself to simply being mildly irritated and calling his bluff.

All men play this ‘game of rejection’, most without even fully realizing that they’re doing it.

The ultimate trick to winning the game is by just NOT playing right into his hand…

Will He Come Back if I Leave Him Alone?

Generally speaking, YES, in most cases, when a man pulls away from you, he will come back to you if you just leave him alone for a while.

Even if he is acting all detached or cool about the distance, don’t be fooled. It is just an act.

Men get attached to their partners, just like women do.

That’s why, in most cases, waiting it this one out is the best strategy you can take

How long of a break you should give him depends on his character and the circumstances you guys are in.

OK, but what if you have already been waiting for days or even weeks and he still hasn’t gotten back to you?

This is a question I get from a lot of you guys in all your comments and emails.

Giving men space does not always have the desired effect.

There are two possible reasons for this:

Firstly, this could be because more often than not, when a man pulls away from you he actually wants you to chase after him.

And when you don’t react the way he hoped you would, he might just decide to keep on waiting for you to change your mind…

In this scenario, you giving him space for a long time, might trigger you guys to get stuck in a situation where both sides are waiting for the other to reach out first.

The second big reason for him remaining distant could be that he is just not interested in a relationship with you.

He might not have the guts to straight up admit that this is where he is at or he may also want to keep on stringing you along just in case.

Either way, the only way for you to find out, is to check in and ask him yourself.

This way you’ll know for sure whether he cares or not and won’t be left waiting for something that might just never happen.

What to Do to Get Him to Stop Pulling Away

Getting a guy to come back after he pulled away from you is generally the easy part. In most cases he simply comes back on his own.

Unfortunately, him coming back doesn’t mean that he won’t suddenly distance himself from you again and again.

A lot of you guys have shared your stories on our blog and I also know this pattern from my own personal experience. Men who pull away from women they care about, generally keep on doing it.

It’s unsettling the first time it happens. Might be heartbreaking when it happens the second or the third time…

But when a guy keeps on pulling away and coming back, it will eventually wear you down. So much so, you might even start thinking that this relationship might already be over.

There is a way to put a stop to this pattern though.

Him pulling away from you, is a sign that the power dynamic in your relationship might be off.

He likely feels like he has got an upper hand, that he doesn’t need to worry about losing you, because he is just so sure that you’ll stick around and stay with him no matter what.

The trick to get him to stop distancing himself from you is for you to regain control in your relationship.

This is something we actually teach in our online course for women: Rebuild Your Relationship.

In it, we’ll show you how to finally put a stop to him pulling away from you.

You’ll also learn how to get him to want commitment and become serious about your relationship. (It’s actually something he secretly craves.)

Click here to check out Rebuild Your Relationship.

Also, if you want to learn more about why men act this way you can read more about it in Gabriel’s post: 4 Steps to Make Him Worry About Losing You

If you have any questions or would like to share your story, leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you.
