Attach An Avoidant
How to make an avoidant crave closeness and commitment
He kept on pulling away and needing space.
It made me anxious.
I was constantly worried that he was going to leave.
Our relationship was really special to me, but he didn’t feel the way I did, or did he…
Hi there, my name is Karolina. I used to be anxiously attached and fell head over heels for an avoidant. Our relationship started off like a fairy tale, my then boyfriend, now husband made me feel really special, and our chemistry was through the roof!
From the first moment I met Gabriel, I felt a deeper connection than I had ever felt before.
But already a couple of months in, he started having doubts and pulling away. His need for space and distance made me more and more anxious. I knew what I wanted, he didn’t. He’d keep on giving me mixed messages. He could be warm and loving one day, and distant and unavailable on the next.
I never knew what to expect and tried pushing to secure his love, which would only make him pull away more. He even broke up with me multiple times!
Now, I don’t know you or your story yet. But you, too, likely also felt a special connection with an avoidant, and things were perfect between the two of you… for a while.
…but then, as months or weeks went by, he or she started acting differently.
Maybe they said some of these hurtful things to you:
“I don’t know what I want.”
“I love you, but I’m not in love with you.”
“I don’t feel the way you do.”
“I need space.”
“I’m not ready for a relationship.”
“I can’t give you what you want.”
Being in love with an avoidant is an emotional rollercoaster.
However, all relationships take work.
Just because someone is challenging or difficult, doesn’t mean they’re not worth the effort!
My avoidant partner said all of those hurtful things to me, yet here we are today, happily married. He is no longer avoidant, and I’m not anxious anymore, we’re both secure and together since 12+ years, without any more breakups, teaching this program together.
So how did I do it?
Well, first, I dove head first into all the classic mistakes every anxious partner makes when dating an avoidant:
– I chased and pushed for closeness
– I tried reasoning and convincing my avoidant partner to see that we were so good for each other
– I was giving, caring and patient
– I neglected myself and my needs
– I settled for a distance in our relationship, where I wasn’t getting what I wanted
All these attempts didn’t make things any better. Why?
Because at the time I didn’t yet understand avoidants and kept falling right into the anxious-avoidant trap!
All avoidants make their partners anxious.
Plus, people with the tendency for anxious attachment tend to trigger avoidants to be more distant and rejecting.
This is the so called anxious-avoidant trap.
You need to fully understand your relationship dynamic to be able to break the pattern and change things for the better.
I needed to approach Gabriel (my avoidant partner) the correct way. When I started doing it, to my surprise, it made him start acting anxious. He suddenly needed closeness too and wanted commitment!
You need to fully understand your avoidant partner and regain control and power in your relationship. Otherwise, he or she will only sabotage what you two have!
Introducing the Attach an Avoidant Program
In it, we’ll give you a fool-proof 5-Step framework to get your partner to snap out of their avoidant patters, and start craving closeness and commitment.
What our students say
Let’s take a look at our 5-step framework and what you’ll learn…
Step 1: Understanding Avoidants
In Step 1 we explain attachment styles and how they create the anxious-avoidant trap. We also tell you how to cope with avoidant deactivation and what to do, to shorten it.
Step 2: Get an Avoidant to Open Up
In Step 2 we talk about most common approaches and why they don’t work. We then give you new tools and strategies (including texting strategies and scripts) to bring your avoidant partner closer.
Step 3: Get an Avoidant To Fall in Love
In Step 3 we explain what it takes to get an avoidant to make more effort for you. We also talk about navigating intimacy with avoidants and how to get them to realize they’re in love.
Step 4: Creating Deeper Attachment
In Step 4 we talk about all the most common challenges in long term relationships with avoidants. We cover the importance of pacing, we explain the dangers of others meddling in your relationship, and how to build deep trust and connection with your partner.
Step 5: Becoming Life Partners
In Step 5, we teach you how to build that strong sense of security in your relationship, so that you feel like you’re partners in life. We also tell you how to approach serious topics, such as marriage and children, and how to get an avoidant to want to become fully attached to you.
You will get…
5 Steps with 25+ Chapters
5 Steps, with over 25 Chapters in Video Training Format that will help you get your avoidant partner to be fully attached to you!
Over 11 hours of content with step-by-step guides and explanation videos with two attachment experts (Gabriel and me).
(And if you prefer audio-only, you can also just listen to the course instead! Whether you’re on the go or in your car)
Karolina will help you feel more empowered and secure. She understands your perspective and what you need to be able to relax and regain confidence.
Gabriel will share all the secret insider perspectives of avoidants. He will teach you how to approach your partner, so that he or she trusts you more and starts needing closeness and commitment too.
You’ll have tons of graphics to make everything we teach, memorable and easy to follow. And you can downloadable all of it as PDFs. Which you can store on your phone or print, to quickly reference before/while texting or talking to your ex.
We cover everything you need to know to fully attach your avoidant partner.
No matter how complicated your situation might be, or how stuck you might feel right now, know that things can change!
Get started now!
Some questions you might have
Who is this course made for?
We designed this course for both men and women of all ages who are dating an avoidant and need help overcoming all the challenges this attachment style brings. We provide a step-by-step guide on what to do and when. We also give you examples of things you can say and text your partner, to bring them closer.
My partner is a fearful-avoidant, is this a good fit?
Yes, in our program, we cover both fearful-avoidant and dismissive-avoidant attachment style. We talk about their differences but also give you strategies that work for both of these cases.
I was mostly secure until now, it’s only recently that I started becoming a little anxious. Is this program relevant for me?
Yes, it’s great if you’re more on the secure side, you’ll have an easier time implementing all our advice. You will still find plenty of relevant information and tips that apply in your situation.
We recently broke up, will this program work for me?
In our program, we talk about breakups and how most avoidants will put you through them, sooner or later. We give you tips on how to cope with abandonment and what it takes to get an avoidant partner to stop leaving you. This is not an ex back program, though. If that’s what you’re looking for, you can find our Ex Back Program HERE.
My partner refuses to define our relationship, is this course a good fit for me?
Yes, it’s a perfect fit! In our program, we teach you how to get an avoidant to want to commit to you, and even become your life-long partner. By the end of it, you’ll know exactly what to say and do, to get a person with avoidant attachment to define your relationship.
Will this course work for me, if we are in a long-distance relationship?
Definitely. The tools and principles we teach will help you bring your partner closer emotionally and make him/her want to see you in person, or even move closer to you. Most of this program can be applied via text or on social media.
How long will I have access to the course? Is there a time limit?
You get lifetime access to the course, so there’s absolutely no pressure to complete it within a limited time. You can go at your own pace and whenever it’s convenient for you. You’ll also have free access to any new content we add to the course in the future.
Can I access the course content on my phone or tablet?
You can access it on any device of your choice and will always have the full course experience.
What format is the course in?
Great question! You’ll get the course materials as video content, text and printable slides. So how you learn is entirely up to you, whether you prefer to watch or just listen.
Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?
Yes. We are so confident you’ll love our product, you get 14 full days of unlimited access and if you’re not happy with it, you can email us within 14 days for a full refund.
What payment methods do you accept?
Payments take place via Stripe, which allows you to use Apple Pay or Google Pay, debit or credit cards. With these payment gateways, your transactions are encrypted and 100% secure.
Still unsure or have more questions?
If you have any further questions or are feeling uncertain, please don’t hesitate to email us, and we’ll get back to you!
Course Curriculum
- Chapter 1・The 5-Step Plan to Attach An Avoidant (21:09)
- Chapter 2・Demystifying Attachment (19:53)
- Chapter 3・Why Anxious and Avoidants Choose Each Other (23:56)
- Chapter 4・Avoidant Deactivation And How To Deal With It (19:14)
- Chapter 5・The Anxious Avoidant Trap (21:09)